Friday, May 16, 2008

The Benefits of Interactive Online Characters

They are out there and are pricey, but according to Stanford University, their research about interactive characters suggests substantial opportunities for them to enhance online experiences. Automated characters take advantage of social responses that are natural reactions to interactive media. They can be perceived as realistic and well- liked social partners in conversations that simulate real-world interactions. Read more on this study, click on this Title....

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Multi-User Virtual Environments for Education and Training?

This is a Critical Review of Second Life by Zane L. Berge. Certainly there is a good deal of potential for education and training to occur in multiuser virtual environments (MUVEs), if designed properly, especially when the goals involve role playing, simulation, and peer interaction, on...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Envisioning the Educational Possibilities of User-Created Virtual Worlds

Authors David M. Antonacci and Nellie Modaress present resources in a study that applies educational games and simulations that can engage students in higher-level cognitive thinking, such as interpreting, analyzing, discovering, evaluating, acting, and problem solving. Recent technical advances in multiplayer, usercreated virtual worlds have significantly expanded the capabilities of user interaction and development within these simulated worlds.